SOMPO's Purpose

In recent years, the nature of corporate management has started to change dramatically. Capitalism, which up until now has focused on shareholders and the pursuit of short-term profits, is being reconsidered. As part of their mission, companies are expected to think long-term, contribute to society, consider all stakeholders, and increase their diversity and sustainability.

Amidst these circumstances, at the beginning point of new Mid-Term Management Plan in fiscal year 2021, and SOMPO Group established SOMPO's Purpose, which outlines what the Group is aiming to achieve in the long term over the next 20 to 50 years.

SOMPO's Purpose

SOMPO’s Purpose and My Purpose

We believe that each and every Sompo Group employee has a leading role to play in realizing SOMPO’s Purpose, and we encourage all our employees to consider their own purpose, by which we mean the purpose of their life and work.
We also encourage employees to consider the overlap between their own purpose and SOMPO’s Purpose. It is our belief that when our employees work with a high degree of engagement based on intrinsic motivation, we will be able to achieve SOMPO’s Purpose.

【1】What is SOMPO’s Purpose?
【2】What should we do to achieve SOMPO’s Purpose?
【3】What do we mean by “My Purpose”?
【4】Relationship between SOMPO’s Purpose and My Purpose
Initiatives for adopting a purpose

SOMPO Group employees' future biographies based on My Purpose

The society, that every person can live a healthy, prosperous and happy life in one’s own way, is the future which SOMPO aim for, the Purpose.
SOMPO DNA is the story, "Future Biography" is written to tell the story of how each employee realizes his or her aspirations on the SOMPO stage.